There is so much to consider for business owners looking to renovate their facilities in today’s socially conscious world. What aesthetic do you want to present to your customers? How can you make the best use of your current facilities? How can you save time and money in preparing your business to reopen? And now, here at the dawn of the 21 st century, business owners have a new concern: How can they be more environmentally aware and reuse and recycle rather than ripping out and rebuilding?
A Myriad of Choices
Surfacequest Architectural Fusions are a wonderful way to accomplish all of these varied goals. Our thin Architectural Films come in a wide variety of colors and patterns that allow you to create brand new looks for existing walls, ceilings, columns, beams, counters, doors, and shelves. This gives your business the exact appearance you want without the immense time and cost of traditional ‘rip and rebuild’ renovation strategies.
A Responsible Decision
Building a whole new workspace is wasteful not just in terms of time and cost, but in the amount of the replaced structures that go directly into the dumpster to be hauled off and piled atop your local landfill. Architectural Fusions reduce the waste of old ‘rip and rebuild’ renovations by creating a whole new look for your current facilities instead of tearing them out and building anew. In fact, for every one square
foot of Architectural Fusions used in your company’s renovation, you reduce the amount of construction waste hauled off to the dump by eight pounds. That means eight pounds less concrete, wood, plastic, and glass being dumped into your town’s landfill for every square foot of Architectural Fusions you use on existing surfaces to create a new look for your business. In fact, since 2014, Surfacequest Architectural Fusions has saved 4.6 million pounds of construction waste from landfills across the country.
An International Push
Architectural Fusions have been commonly used in Japan for the past 50 years because of the scarcity of resources in their country. In the past 15 years, they have become more and more popular here in The United States as businesses look for new ways to be good stewards of the resources they use. Architectural Fusions are also less expensive and time-consuming than traditional ‘rip and rebuild’ renovations, all while giving you thousands of choices to transform the look of your facility. We can help you to open earlier, create less disruption for your customers and employees, and save you thousands of dollars in construction costs on your business renovation.
If you are looking for a quick means to renovate your business while remaining socially conscious and economically frugal, contact us today and let us show you how revolutionary Architectural Fusions can give your business the look you want for a price you’ll love.