Use Interior Design to Positively Influence your Staff

As much as many of us love spending time in the outdoors, the reality of life is that the majority of our days are spent inside. We perform many of our day to day tasks and assignments via computer and internet connectivity and in conference rooms and offices. While this may vary depending upon career, technology has become our dictator in the sense that we’re reliant upon it to help us run our lives. And technology (for the most part) lives at our desks. As such, we want to be infused with energy, vigor, and life on a day to day basis to help us to be as productive as possible. Believe it or not, interior design is a key piece of this life giving puzzle.

What are some ways to use interior design to your advantage in the workplace? There are key ingredients and facets of your space to consider as you plan and design it to best accommodate you and your staff. Read on to learn more.

Color is more than what you see.

Multiple studies have concluded that color affects each of us psychologically. We see blue and we feel calm. Yellow imbibes happiness. Red symbolizes power and passion. Take advantage of the colors you choose in your space to energize your team and enthuse your consumers.

Decor and furniture send a message.

Don’t simply grab inexpensive or a hodge podge of decor and furniture to fill your office space. Be selective and only place items that fit your interior design style and reflect your branding. Give the right impression to your guests and, again, be mindful of the message you’re subtly relaying to your staff by the items you’re surrounding them with.

Free space is better than clutter.

When it comes to interior design particularly in a workspace, it’s important to keep the area as free from clutter as possible. Filling space simply for the sake of filling it creates a busy atmosphere that’s not conducive to productivity. When lines are clean and decor is minimal but intentional, you and your team are more free to focus without the distraction of unnecessary clutter.


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For innovative solutions to design challenges you’re facing, consult the experts at Surfacequest. We offer affordable and innovative resurfacing solutions for interior spaces that create the look you want at a price you can afford.

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